
Real Estate Vendor Profile: ProTitleUSA
About ProTitleUSA ProTitleUSA is the national title search and analysis leader, providing its customers with the highest level of title services in all areas of

Recent News and Trends of Interest to Real Estate Sellers
There’s always something happening in the world of real estate that sellers of property should be aware of as they move forward with their deals.

The Four Documents Needed to Sell Property
All the time, in doing real estate deals, we encounter situations in which sellers spend more time and money than necessary to complete their sale.

The Four Unseen Costs of Selling Land
Most real estate owners have very little experience selling land. As a result, they usually emerge from the sales process having learned a lot –

The Importance of Understanding Water Rights
In our world, water is the ultimate natural resource. Communities and even entire civilizations over time have been concentrated around places with easy access to

The Process of Selling Land to Land Solid Property Group
Over time, with lots of experience, Land Solid Property has established a best practice process for buying land from sellers. Here are the 10 main

Real Estate Vendor Profile: MapRight
About MapRight was founded in 2014 to help companies and individuals gain a better understanding of properties and land features, and be able to more

How to Minimize Capital Gains Taxes on Land Sales
The goal of every real estate seller is to maximize the profit they make from their property sale. That’s why sellers take so much care

Case Study Joann, .22 acres in Vero Beach, FL
Joann’s Challenge Joann owned .22 acres of undeveloped land for 25 years, and wanted to sell it for most of that time. She tried listing

Land Solid is the go-to resource for real estate sellers to understand the value of their land, what options they have for selling it and ultimately make the best possible deal.

At Land Solid, LLC, we help landowners like you sell their vacant and unwanted land in the shortest time possible without obstacles or fees for fair cash. We have helped many vacant landowners become free by taking vacant land off their shoulders in exchange for a fair amount of cash. You can be the next happy seller.